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Midjourney Basic Settings

Opening Settings​

You can open the settings in the Midjourney server or the Midjourney Bot chat window by typing /setting and pressing enter:


Then you will see a message from the bot like this:


Version Settings​

The first two lines are for version switching. You can switch between different versions according to your needs. MJ Version 1-5 represent different versions of Midjourney. After switching, all generated images will use the selected version by default. Please refer to the Midjourney documentation for the differences between each version. On April 5, 2023, Midjourney launched its Niji 5, so in the screenshot of the version settings you will see buttons for Niji 4 and Niji 5 modes:


Image Quality Settings​

The third line is for image quality settings. Note that this parameter does not affect the resolution. It mainly affects the details of the image. For a detailed explanation, please refer to the Advanced Parameters section in the Midjourney Prompt documentation.

In general, it is recommended to keep the default setting, which is the "Base quality" shown in the image:


Style Settings​

The fourth line is for style settings. The style setting determines how closely the generated image matches the prompt. Lower values are more aligned with the prompt's description, while higher values increase the artistic quality but may weaken the connection to the prompt. For more details, please refer to the Common Parameters section in the Midjourney Prompt documentation.


Privacy Settings​

By default, this setting is set to "Public", which means only Pro users can set it to "Stealth Mode". Basic and Standard users cannot set it to "Stealth Mode". If you are interested in becoming a paid member of Midjourney, please refer to the Subscribe to Midjourney Membership section.


Remix Settings​

Remix Mode is currently an experimental feature and may change or be removed at any time.


According to my own usage, it is similar to blending images. The usage is as follows: First, in Remix Mode, click the "Variation" button. This will bring up a prompt input box. After entering the prompt, the model will generate an image that retains the structure of the original image but changes the subject according to the content mentioned in the prompt. For example, in the example below, the original image is a pile of pumpkins. By clicking the "Variation" button and entering "pile of cartoon owls" in the prompt, the generated image will retain the composition of the original pumpkin image, but the subject will change to a cartoon owl.


Generation Speed Settings​

The default setting is "Fast Mode". Only Standard and Pro users can change this setting to "Relax Mode". Other users will have Fast Mode as the only option. Standard and Pro users can generate unlimited images in Relax Mode. If you are interested in becoming a paid member of Midjourney, please refer to the Subscribe to Midjourney Membership section.
